Analysis tab

The Analysis tab provides tools for displaying yearly, monthly and daily data from the Design Year daily database for the currently selected location. Typical applications are:


  • Identifying design years based on the specific requirements of a project. For example, when designing a naturally ventilated building, it is necessary to simulate a model using design summary year (DSY) weather data to understand how the building will perform after several days of warm weather. In this case a weather year might be selected based on the warmest sequence of 4 days using the ISO/ANSI 1-4 day sizing data.

  • Identifying design days for a specific year. By analysing daily data for a selected design year it is possible to quickly find the most extreme days. For example in the screenshot below which shows daily data for 2021, you can see that the highest maximum and average temperatures occur at around day 200 (19 July).

  • Checking data quality for the selected location using the "Measured observations" option to see more detail on how much measured data is available in the Design Year daily database which is used to generate the "Design Year" data.

  • Understanding the climate based on extensive historical data. By displaying max/min/average temperatures, wind speed, solar totals and other data it is possible to gain insights into the climate for the selected location, including any trends related to climate change.


Data can be graphed on screen or copied to a spreadsheet for further analysis.

Note: A Climate Analytics licence is required to access the Analysis tab.

Climate data can be analysed on a yearly, monthly or daily basis and different data is available for viewing for each of these intervals. The primary selection on this tab is to select the Interval. Depending on the selection different options appear in the "Data to plot" drop list below:



Further information on the options for each of the Yearly, Monthly and Daily interval options can be found below by opening the appropriate expanding text.

View Data

You can access the data directly in a multi-line text box by pressing the “View Data” button. This allows the data to be exported for analysis in external tools (see below). When viewing yearly data, the same data that is shown in the graph is displayed in text form. When viewing monthly data, the data for all months in the selected date range is displayed in the text box without the averaging applied in the graphic display. Likewise, when displaying daily data, the data for all days in the selected date range is displayed in the text box without averaging.



To copy the text box data to the clipboard for pasting into a spreadsheet click on the "Copy" button. Or to save the data to a text file press the "Save" button.