Our International partners offer DesignBuilder software and expert support services in local languages. If you require this, it is important that you order from the local reseller. If you order from the DesignBuilder UK website you will be entitled to receive software and support in English only.

Localised Versions


  • Batsim  Batisim based in Paris, offer a French language version of DesignBuilder as well as French data sets and support. They also offer a module providing RT2012 calculations.
  • morocco  BE Bio Consulting based in Casablanca, offer a French language version of DesignBuilder as well as French data sets and support. They also offer a module providing RT2012 calculations.


You can obtain Spanish language software from one of 3 different resellers depending on your location:

  • Aurea Spain - Aurea provide Spanish language software, support and training services. Aurea also provide including a LIDER export capability and a Spanish database of Spanish constructions and Activities.
  • Sol Arq Mexico - Sol-Arq provides Spanish language software, support and training services in Central and South America.
  • Energy Arq Chile - Energy-Arq provides Spanish language software, support and training services in Chile.


  • SGM SGM Architecture is based in Trieste and provides an Italian language version of the software as well as support and training services. They are also developing a module to allow Italian National Calculations to be carried out from within DesignBuilder.


  • DE b.i.g. Gruppe based in Berlin provide German language software, support and training services in Germany and Austria.


Other Important Resellers


  • Shanghai Feiyi If you plan to use DesignBuilder please order from Shanghai Feiyi who can provide support and training in Mandarin.

See also the full list of DesignBuilder Partners

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Contact Us

  • DesignBuilder Software Ltd
    Stroud House
    Russell Street
    Stroud, Gloucs
    GL5 3AN
  • +44 (0) 1453 755500
  • info@designbuilder.co.uk